
Dienstag, 25. August 2015

Something about me

Hello world,

I really suck at this. Introducing myself. I'm more of a "hey, this is me, get to know me" kind of person. But I guess some basic information would be sort of nice, wouldn't they?
I am German, I live in Cologne. I am highly passionate when it comes to my hometown - I guess it's something that's handed out with the birth certificate around here. I am currently 22 years old. I study German and English linguistics and literature in my 6th semester - and that's something else I am very passionate about. I just love language. Or, as I like to put it, I'm a Wordie. I have a cute, little, very spoiled dog who eats up all my time because apparently I don't feed him properly. I love music, rock mostly. A certain Someone recently said that I was very girly and female - and I guess the blog layout I picked kinda supports that. However, I don't like to be underestimated. I'll kick your ass if need be. I am also a smartass and can be an intellectual snob sometimes. I - and now I am torn between past and present tense - used to have an Eating Disorder, and I'm just mentioning this for the purpose of having it said once. I am ... currently growing into the woman that I'm going to be, experiencing and exploring who I really am. Part of this process is discovering that I am submissive, and I am currently learning a lot about that. Along the way I broke up with my boyfriend that I've been with for the past 6.5 years. Now I feel like I'm free and can actually really find out what I am into (not only sexually). I am forever grateful that I have Someone by my side who guides me, who supports me and who helps me on that journey.

So much for a very short introduction. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll love to answer.


2 Kommentare:

  1. my German princess. my 22-year-old princess.

    i love how in love with animals you seem to be also, you're very adorable.

    it's just nice to see that you've slowly growing into who you are meant to be. i hope that recovery is going smoothly for you and you're able to taste the sweet nectar of life once more.

    i love that little gif with "every day matters." and yes, it does. and you matter too. you are special. you are meant for so much. and i love you.

    -Sam Lupin

    1. Hey dear,

      wow! Unbelievable you've found me, and commented! Thank you for everything you've said! I love you too <3 so much.
      How are you? How have you been? How's it going? Do tell me everything I've missed!
      (What do you blog about? Is it trigger-free? I had to unfollow all my old blogs ...)

      Lots of lots of hugs and kisses
      - Kiwi
